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Nature-Inspired Color Palettes

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Take your hue cues from Mother Nature and build decorating themes and color schemes that are sure to please through every season.

Go garden fresh.

Inspired by trips through flower beds, vegetable plots and produce aisles, this yellow-tinted green palette makes every day feel like spring. Granny Smith apple green takes on the starring role; supporting players include peapod, celery, lemon and kiwi. Bright whites, seen here as tulip petals, round out the fresh-picked palette.





Love green living.

White walls, woodwork and a slipcovered sofa allow green to take center stage. Strategically introduced via lattice-pattern chairs, a solid tufted ottoman and flowery accent pillows, yellow-tone greens work with orange, brown and gilded accessories to take the chill off the room’s bright-white perimeter.

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